I promised I’d get caught up with my videos. Here is me wearing one of my favorite outfits giving a blow job to my friend. It makes me feels so cute to wear this bright pink Japanese schoolgirl uniform. More videos very soon.


  • John Bufete Sejr

    well Harriet, u move away from why we follow u, i do understand u want 2b the new Hugh Hefner, not so much porn, but a bit of naked pinup girls, u focus on artikels that is common knowledge, kind of weird stuff, and your staff, write it like its “the way 2do” more than advice, stuff that lot other site write about, nothing new in your articles also u focus a lot about US, like its only there people follow u, i quess one day, u will move to US, that’s your dream, i was one of the first to follow u in free cam, but the sweet shy, funny,charming Harriet is gone .. we miss her 🙁