If you’re in the mood to get down and dirty, but want to turn up the romance notch then a good playlist is a must have. I don’t always have sex to music, but when I do, I make sure it’s not Cannibal Corpse or Justin Bieber. Here’s my top 5 songs to have sex to, as well as bonus spotify playlists for you to put on next time you’re putting on the moves.

snoop dog gives a thumbs up for top songs to have sex to

Number 5: Sexy back by Justin Timberlake – I couldn’t stop myself from putting Justin Timberlake on this. This man is sex on legs, and his songs make me want to have sex with him Wait a second… In all seriousness though, I think Sexy Back really did bring sexy back. It’s an upbeat song that’s a great way to kick things off in the bedroom. Casual but also sexual. The only downside is your partner might be fantasising about Justin Timberlake in her head.


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Number 4: The Hills by The Weeknd – When I first heard this song, I immediately thought about sex. But specifically really mind blowing, amazing, crazy, guilt ridden sex. Like drunk sex with that ex you vowed never to text again. Or a one night stand you know you don’t want to remember in the morning. Whenever this song comes on I really want to be part of a high class vampire orgy scene in a HBO produced TV series. Basically speaking, this song fucks.


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Number 3: Magic by Coldplay – My friend swears by Coldplay’s “Ghost Stories” album as the go-to sex playlist. I like coldplay but I find their music a bit of the slow and wimpy side. Great for when I’m feeling a bit down. I have come across a fair number of people who love Coldplay for their sexcapades, and so with this one I will have to go with the masses. There is something calming and relaxing about Magic and it certainly deserves to be in my top 5 songs to have sex to.


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Number 2: Drop in like it’s Hot by Snoop Dog – This song is the bomb. It’s so damn sexy I want to learn to pole dance just so I can do that booty drop move. Or the split. I feel like this song needs me to be flexible enough to do the splits. I think Snoop Dog songs are always great for sexy playlists, because they have a very sexual beat about them. Picking one song was hard, but it had to hands down be Drop It Like It’s Hot, because everyone knows Pharrell Williams also makes sexy songs.


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Number 1: Another Love by Tom Odell (Zweitte Edit) – This is my favourite sex song, mostly because it’s bittersweet and catchy as hell. It’s got a great pace, perfect for romantic and intense sex. The Zweitte edit is my preferred version as it gives it a back beat compared to the original’s piano. The only downside to this song is that it’s so catchy, and I’ve linked it to great sex, so that when I hear it I can’t help getting horny. Makes for a fun commute when it pops up on shuffle on the tube!


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Spotify Playlists Bonus Round! Here are just a few playlists for all you lazy people out there!