Have you ever had that moment of sheer terror when someone walks in on you at the worst possible moment? Over 40% of people have been caught in the act, and most of us have no idea how to react. Here’s what to do if you get caught masturbating.
First thing to remember is that masturbating is a 100% ok thing to do. It’s natural, normal, and almost everyone does it. So get rid of those feelings of shame right now. You can be embarrassed, just like you would be if someone walked in on you on the loo. But you should never feel ashamed, even though some people teach you it’s a shameful thing. It’s not.
Rule #1 when you get caught masturbating: calm down
The moment someone walks in on you, your whole body tenses up. You go into panic mode. You practically die of embarrassment, and in that moment your head isn’t thinking clearly. It’s in this state of panic that you might do or say something that makes the situation worse.
So take a moment, breath and calm down. The first thing you should do, and probably have already done, is to cover yourself. Close your laptop or computer if there’s any porn visible. Then smile as this will help you compose yourself.
Laugh it off
Smiling is a great tactic, because it makes the situation lighter. Your unexpected guest will probably very quickly leave the room, and so smiling at them before hand shows them that no harm has been done.
Get yourself up, dressed properly and wash your hands. Come out of your room, and find the person who walked in on you. It’s ok to talk about what happened, it’s a funny thing. Laugh it off, and in the future it can be one of those “remember that time” stories you tell.
Laughing it off when you get caught masturbating is really the only option. You’re saying “this is no big deal” and you’re making sure there’s no weird feelings between the two parties involved. It’s also a chance for the other person to feel better, as they might feel guilty.
Masturbating isn’t cheating
This is a weird topic I never realised was a problem before. However speaking to some male friends, it seems it can be a problem. Some women it turns out consider masturbating to be cheating.
Say what? No seriously. I can’t believe it myself. People have needs, and can you really cheat on someone… with your own hand? It gets more crazy, since some people also consider watching porn as cheating.
I can sort of see why people might think this. But the fact is, they are wrong. Studies have shown that masturbating can be very good for your health as it helps you relieve tension. Watching porn also doesn’t count as cheating, unless your partner also considers watching any kiss scene on TV as cheating as well (in which case, major red flag).
Let’s sum this up. Masturbating isn’t cheating. Watching porn isn’t cheating. Calm down, get yourself composed, laugh it off. Simple as that. You should think of it as simple, because the only time this situation gets really awkward is when we over think and over complicate it.