This Christmas e-girl Celestia Vega dropped her first porn video on Pornhub. The video has almost 4 million views now. So the question is, who is Celestia Vega, why did she do a porno and how good was Celestia Vega porn?

Celestia Vega is an e-girl, that is, an online gamer girl, who’s popularity soared in 2017. She’s had an online presence since 2015, but came into popularity after streaming on Twitch,  and setting up Twitter and a Youtube channel.

Celestia Vega really hit the news when she announced on Youtube that she would release a Celestia Vega porn video if she hit 1 million subscribers. Initally it was considered a publicity stunt as she was working with fellow e-girl Zoie Burgher who had previously offered a similar reward of “nude photos” for followers.

The two fell out and stopped collaborating when Celestia announced she was completely serious about making a porno.


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Christmas porn release

Unfortunately Celestia has been unable to hit her 1 million followers goal. Despite that, she wanted to make the very first Celestia Vega porn video regardless and decided to release it on pornhub for free on Christmas day.

Celestia Vega and Pornhub have a great relationship online. It’s no surprise she chose to release her video through an official channel created on Pornhub. As promised on Christmas day, her video launched. Celestia tweeted a link on twitter directly to the video. Her name became top trending on Twitter.

Response to the Celestia Vega porn video

The hype for her porn video was intense, with teasing photos leading up to the event. As promised the video was released in full completely for free.

Celestia and male performer Bruce Venture take to the sheets in a mix of POV and standard shots. Bruce Venture is very popular in the industry by women. Both for his looks, musclar body and large cock. He’s definitely got a good reputation and it’s not surprising she picked him as her partner for the video.

The video itself is just under 27 minutes. It recieved a lot of critism online and many fans felt they had been let down by the performance.

It’s true that the video feels a bit awkward at times. It’s her first ever porn video, which she decided to shoot and edit independently. For these reasons you can’t compare it to porn videos made by studios professionally.

That being said, it feels as if there is a lack of chemistry or enthusiam in the video itself, and some positons come across as quite wooden. However, many praise her for actually releasing the video and going through with it as she had promised.

It’s an interesting video to watch. Most faults in it should have been dealt with by Bruce Venture, such as positioning cameras and understanding angles, as he is more experienced in making porn.

You can read my twitter review of the video here, it’s tongue in cheek, but I really do admire that she made the video herself and I respect girls that take charge in porn.

Celestia Vega has since spoken out against the negative comments. Her social media activity has lessened since the release of the video. She does promise exciting things to come in 2018.