On Friday morning I received a message from Ari Dee congratulating me on my Xbiz win. It’s probably the fastest I’ve ever gotten out of bed in my life. It took another 12 hours before the official list was released. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s true. We have won an Xbiz Award for Web Star of the Year!!! 

I can’t really put into words how excited I right now. It’s been a whole two days, but I’m still in a little bit of shock. It’s a big deal you know! My first ever American Award. Before I go any further into how awesome this is, I have to say thank you to some pretty awesome people.

Thank you to everyone who voted for me. The Web Star category had a voting factor, and I know that I would never have won the award without the support of such amazing people. You guys are the best. It means a lot to me to have done this together with everyone!


This year I was unable to go to America for the Xbiz or AVN conventions. It’s the first year since I’ve started harrietsugarcookie.com that I was unable to attend. It’s been pretty sad not being there, meeting up with my American friends and also really sad not being able to pick up my award! I hope that I will be able get the award delivered to my house, otherwise I might have to make a trip to LA later in the year.

fairlyoddparents meme xbiz

That being said, not being able to go to America this year isn’t a completely bad thing. The website is going through a lot of improvement and there’s a lot planned for 2017 to make it the best year yet. We’ve taken on more projects, have more people to meet and basically it’s jammed packed.

2017 is going to be the year that I hope to show everyone exactly what a Web Star can do. Or something along those lines! I’m very excited. I’m sure some things are going to be a major hit, and I’m sure there will be misses as well. However I can’t wait to get stuck in and share the experience with everyone.


For the day itself, I did very little. Partly because I was waiting for official confirmation. I did end up going out for dinner with a lot of friends, including PornoDan who had also won an Xbiz award.

I ate a lot of sushi which is delicious.  Japanese food is probably one of my favourite cuisines. It was a fantastic way to celebrate! We even bought an expensive bottle of wine, which I think if I knew more about wine I would appreciate a lot more. The whole evening felt pretty glamorous and I think it was a fantastic way to celebrate.

Moving forward

Moving forward, I’ve mentioned that there’s a lot of new projects in the pipelines. Some of them you already know about, such as the cosplaying. I hope to go to MCM Expo in May to show off my costume actually, so be sure to say hi if you’re also going.

Secondly, there’s going to be lots of new fun, non sex related videos. I’m hoping to get my youtube channel up and running better, and I’ve been working on video editing for those videos as well. I do however need lots of ideas, so if you have any, please shoot them my way!

Of course there will continue to be lots of sex videos. I’m hoping to do some cosplay themed videos, once I’ve gotten better at making cosplay. For instance, I’m really interested in cosplaying D.Va from Overwatch and I think that could be a good video.

There’s plenty of other things I’m also working on, but those have to remain a secret for now. I can’t wait to share lots of new fun things with everyone though. Finally I just want to say thank you again, for sharing a wonderful year with me. I hope that we’re able to have another fantastic one that’s better than ever.