I should never have asked her to coffee that night at the burlesque show. I should never have walked her home that night after coffee. I definitely should not h...
I'm a pretty clumsy girl, I get nervous easily and when that happens I say things without thinking which leads me into a variety of situations. My accidental gi...
It took me about two months to convince Anna to go on a date with me, but by then we weren't going to listen to the "three date rule". The problem was that Anna...
Our trip to the sex shop was a complete success, a latex dress and ball gag for Lady and a horsewhip for me. We nearly ran home to put them to good use! My firs...
I thought I would be able to compare my first lesbian experience, my first night with Nina, with the first time I lost my virginity to a man. However the two we...
I'd like to say that after kissing Nina, our first night involved wild, hot lesbian sex. I'd like to say it involved sparkly double-ended dildos, nipple tassels...
My first kiss with a girl, I expected her to taste like Cherry Chapstick. Katy Perry lied to me, but I guess that didn't matter since I still liked it anyway. A...
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