Something crazy happened this morning. I woke up and found myself lying in a wet spot. At first I thought I had an accident in the middle of the night (much to my own embarrassment) but upon closer inspection, realised that I must have, and quiet recently, creamed myself in my sleep. This is a mystery that I want to get to the bottom of!
I wish I had taken a photo to show you guys, it’s wasn’t like a huge lake or anything, but it was a very impressive puddle. I can’t even show you ruined panties because last night, on a super rare occasion, I slept fully naked. That’s our first clue. What made last night different to any other normal night?
- I slept fully naked. Normally this is a special honour reserved only for when I’ve been fully maxed on sex and my partner and I are too tired to put on pjs. Did purhaps being fully naked remind my body of such sex sessions? Did I somehow trick my body into thinking it might finally get some??
- I changed my alarm. On the advice of Mr International (who knows my sleeping pattern has been weird recently) I installed the app “Sleep Cycle” which monitors your movement in bed and determines when you are in “deep sleep” or “light sleep” In fact, the entire thing monitors your movement so it can track your sleep cycle. Anyway, it tracks your sleep cycle and then wakes you up when you are in “light sleep” mode because this makes you wake up feeling more energetic! Mr International swears by this and since it’s a free app, I thought, why not? I have no idea if it worked or not, but it does have a very soothing alarm ringtone which was much nicer than my normal one.
- I had a really amazing session on cam before going to bed. For the past week, camming has been pretty slow. It happens. But last night was insanely amazing. We did some cool things including talking about horses, tyrannies, making a gang (Cookie Gang!) and having a heart to heart about stuff. It was pretty insane to be honest, and I think I revealed more of myself than before. Very touching. Very different, but I had a lot of fun. Not to say I didn’t have a lot of fun, but it was the first time in a couple of weeks that I logged off from camming thinking “wow, that was the best!” It gave me this sort of, peaceful feeling maybe?
- I read a bit before going straight to bed. Normally after camming I’m zonked out, but I had a bit of a buzz going on last night so I decided to read for a bit. Just a light romance, no sex scenes or anything. But maybe that kicked my head into imagination mode?
To be honest, I have no idea what kicked it off. I simply know I woke up this morning feeling great, an having to change my sheets. I also then masturbated, because there is really nothing wrong with cumming first thing in the morning… ehehehe. I feel like I should now do a scientific experiment using the variables I’ve collected so far to see which of them triggered this interested result. You know, for science.