Getting hard again fast after ejaculation can be a challenge, but it is possible to reduce your recovery time. When things are going well and you’re having fun, you might feel the urge to cum. Sometimes you can make sex last longer by switching positions or slowing down. But if you ejaculate once, it’s always fun to go for that second round.
After ejaculation, most men find it takes a little time to get hard enough again for sex. During this period, you might be left wondering what to do with yourselves. Some guys find it difficult to engage sexually without having an erection but there are ways to speed up your recovery time and enjoy the rest period.
It all comes down to knowing your own body and taking control of your penis. Literally. If you enjoy the sex you’re having and are happy with your stamina, it’s all good. But sometimes guys find themselves cumming too early with premature ejaculation, may struggle to climax altogether or find it takes a long time to reach their orgasm. Other men have no problem with ejaculation but do want some tips on what they can do during their recovery period to please their partner.
Rest assured, there’s tips galore in how to improve your refractory period and get hard again fast after ejaculation. The good news is that most of these methods make it more fun when you are in bed too.
Identify what makes you climax
Knowing your own body helps you to identify what makes you climax. For some men, ejaculation is relatively easy and can happen through manual stimulation, oral and penetrative sex. While for others, they might only be able to climax through manual stimulation. Or perhaps can’t cum through oral sex but will during penetrative sex. It all depends on the individual and what suits their body.
Plus orgasm is different with different partners. It also varies based on your mood, health, how tired you are and even what time of day it is. For some men, they might not be in a sexy mood in the morning and so struggle to climax during morning sex even if they do get an erection. Whereas for others, the best time of day for doing the deed is late at night.
When you masturbate, you could find that only certain techniques or types of porn excites you enough to climax. Making a note of what works for you when you’re alone is helpful. If you find that touching yourself a certain way produces more sensation for you, telling your partner this helps them know how you like to be touched.
During sex itself, it’s worth trying different sex positions to see if one makes you more likely to orgasm than the others. Often, sex positions which give men more control over depth and speed favours orgasm more than positions that don’t offer as much influence. Similarly, sex positions such as cowgirl might not give the man as much control but the depth of penetration makes it easier.
Controlling your orgasm
An obvious solution to any erectile dysfunction challenges is to learn how to control your orgasm. For some men, climax isn’t an issue but they want to be able to get hard again fast after ejaculation to extend sex itself.
One way of handling this is to instead try and control your orgasm so that it increases your stamina and makes sex last longer. By doing this, it gives both you and your partner more time to enjoy the sex you’re having and lets you pleasure her more so.
When you feel yourself getting close to orgasm, you can slow down the pace, change your position or hold still in order to delay ejaculation. This is sometimes known as ‘edging’, where you bring yourself to the edge of an orgasm before stopping and delaying it. As this practice controls ejaculation, it makes sex last longer and identifies what brings you close to climax. This is helpful as it sometimes improves your sexual performance as it increases your stamina and gives you the chance to make your girlfriend cum.
By knowing what makes you climax and learning how to control your orgasm, it helps you figure out how best to get hard again fast after ejaculation. Once you’ve ejaculated, most men experience a refractory period where their body needs time to recover from the orgasm and restore an erection.
Getting hard again
It is possible to reduce your recovery time by getting intimate with your partner in a way that excites you. Naturally this encourages an erection which lets you get ready for round two. While you’re in the recovery period, you can still pleasure your girlfriend through oral sex and with your hands or sex toys.
Talk to your girlfriend and find out what she enjoys in bed. Some women may prefer having sexual intercourse or foreplay to using any sex toys. While others may like sex toys and find it hot if their partner uses them on her. Another option would be to watch your girlfriend as she plays with herself. Although this doesn’t directly involve you, it turns both of you on through mutual masturbation and can encourage you to get hard again quickly.
Don’t forget other activities that you enjoy. During the refractory period, you might not have an erection but can still be turned on and get intimate. Giving each other massages, pillow talk and relaxing together all lets you enjoy the experience. If you find it frustrating that you don’t have an erection, try not to focus on the negative as this often prevents you from getting hard again.
Sometimes after ejaculation, it’s possible to stay hard by continuing the stimulation that made you climax. With some partners, I’ve found that continuing to have sex even when you have a semi actually stops the man from losing his erection completely. This makes it easier to stiffen up again from a semi and keep going for the second round. Plus it’s a fun challenge.
Ways to get hard again faster
There are some good tips that improve your refractory period as it makes it easier to get hard again faster. By taking care of your general health more broadly, your sexual performance improves as a result.
- Stay hydrated: it’s a simple thing but drinking plenty of fluids (other than beer) does help you all round. One of the major reasons for a headache is dehydration, if you’ve got a bad head it can make you feel really out of sorts which doesn’t bode well for having naughty fun.
- Keep up your energy levels: going for round two sounds great unless you’re too tired to get it up. Eating healthily, being hydrated and keeping up your energy all helps in the bedroom department. After round one, having a sugar hit gives you quick release energy to burn. Alternatively something that works over a longer release period can also help.
- Stay in the mood: rather than get distracted by something non-sexual, stay connected to your partner. This keeps you in the mood and lets you stay turned on. Which means getting hard again faster is easier than if you go totally soft and off topic then try to get an erection.
- Don’t stress. If your erection isn’t quite as you want it right away, try not to stress. Being negative about it makes it harder to get hard and relaxing is better for everybody.